News and Views from the Pastor of Drennon Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Henry County, KY

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

At the Church

My family is meeting tomorrow morning with a couple of dedicated Drennon folks to clean out some of our storage and sort of create me an office in the middle balcony room. Hopefully this will serve me as both an office as well as another Sunday School location. It'll be great for counseling meetings, too. I'm pretty excited about this new opportunity.


  1. Nice Blog-be nice for you to have an office @ the church-Also I told you I wanted to bring a coffee pot to use @S.S. what I want to know would it be best to make coffee or just heat the water in the pot so we can make both coffee & hot choc for children & those that do not drink coffee? Thoughts please...I would have no problem with instant would be less messy etc.
    Thanks, Martha

  2. Martha, I hope this works...I've had a hard time making this work. I think just a coffee pot would be best, for coffee. It might get too complicated with water for tea or hot chocolate or coffee. Reminds me of my time in Brazil, where they had espresso after every service.
